DS Migrate
Legacy Data Modernization
The Components Of DS Migrate
DS Migrate – Low Code & No Code Platform For Automated Workload Migration
DS Migrate – No Code Platform for Legacy Data Modernization
DataSwitch redefines enterprise data architecture to deliver customer-centric digital experiences by accelerating time to translate data for real-world insights and build future Cloud Data Platforms that drive the three key business objectives:
- Scale decision making
- Automate manual processes
- Simplify complex analyses
It simplifies and accelerates the transformation and migration processes with speed, reliability, and no required coding through the DS Migrate toolkit. This data modernization toolkit leverages advanced automation to migrate schema, data, and processes from legacy databases and ETL tools to modern databases and ETL tools.
DS Migrate Overall Architecture
DS Migrate is designed to enable you to transform data workloads from any legacy system to a cloud stack of your choice.
Do you want to see how DS Migrate can help you in real-time?
Book a free live demo with us, today!
Schema Redesign
”Effortless Schema Structure Redesign”
DS Migrate aids you with an easy-to-use, intuitive and self-serviceable automated schema redesign. By reducing effort and increasing productivity, our tool efficiently converts structures of legacy data models into structures for modern cloud data models. With this redefining tool you can move away from complicated codes and ease your work with simple drag and drop menus.
Data Migration
“A Data Pipeline Creation with No-Code, Low-Code”
Automation is the order of the day. With a fully automated and scalable tool, DS Migrate creates a data pipeline which extracts, transforms, transfers and loads your legacy data into your preferred modern cloud environment. Thus, accelerate your time-to-market while our no code and low code tool along with enhanced automation, cloud data expertise, and unique automated schema generation solve your data migration complexities.
Process Conversion
“Final Piece of the Puzzle with a No-Touch Code Approach”
This is a distinctive process where your legacy data scripts and ETL Tools are converted to modern database scripts and ETL tools with a “No-Touch Code” simple web interface tool. All the cliché challenges of schema redesign, effort-intensive and error-prone manual migration is eliminated by our adoptive Translator + Compiler design. As a bonus, you are provided with, tool to tool, script to tool, tool to script, or script to script translations as well.
What we offer in “Legacy Modernization as a Services”
delivers legacy transformation in half the time-frame in Pay-per-Usage
No Code Platform for Modernization
automation to,
➢ Intelligent Assessment & evaluation
➢ Smart Schema Re-Design and No Touch Data Migration
➢ Self Serve Workload/process conversion
➢ Automated Data Validation
➢ Code to Document
Consulting & Migration Services
Engineering experience across diverse projects.
➢ Data Architecture Consulting
➢ Data Modernization Assessment
➢ Migration Strategy
➢ Specialized Modernization services